Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the NUCS U9,U10, U11 Spring Tournament tournament for the age group.
Boys Under 10 10 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Dennis 14
0526-06DB10-2308   Nathan Dennis
 A2 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Morales 14
0526-06DB10-2325   Luis Morales
 A3 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Thunder FC 14
0526-06DB10-2232   John Carpenter
 A4 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Spiders 14
0526-06DB10-2243   Joseph McFarlane
 B1 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Timp City FC 14
0526-06DB10-2239   Casey Waldron
 B2 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Kenison 14
0526-06DB10-2329   Matthew Kenison
 B3 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Hawkeyes 14
0526-06DB10-2207   Jason Gruber
 C1 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Strikers 14
0526-06DB10-2338   Kyle Barton
 C2 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Liverpool 14
0526-06DB10-2208   Andrew Stroman
 C3 NUCS AA Competition
NUCS Rampage 14
0526-06DB10-2216   Kris Meng